In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

November 03, 2008



To All my DEAREST respected readers....

Since, I don't like to keep on waiting...and don't like people to keep on waiting for me...I THINK I may not be updating my blog for a momment...maybe in a week or more or maybe less then that...

"JobS + Final ExamS + MeetingS + ProjectS= Away"

I'll be away...but I'll be back...and I'm FINE worries....InsyaAllah...

Wish me luck....Jazakallah~

You girls & guys can started to miss me now...hehehe...and of course I'm gonna miss you girls and guys too....
".... Jangan kau ucap selamat tinggal
Bahkan ucaplah hingga bertemu lagi
Seandainya tidak di bumi Tuhan
Mudah-mudahan di syurga-Nya nanti....!"

ayat dipetik dari


That's all...Illalliqa~

Salam sayang. Jaga diri, pelihara hati.


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