(Ok, ada masa sikit nak update blog)
Sebenarnya, sebelum nak g kursus tu dah berhajat nak update blog, untuk memberitahu tentang pemergian saya ke kursus tu...lepas tu nak pas baton friendship award ni, tapi tak jadi since packing barang last minutes..paham-paham je laa..
Ok, first of all nak ucapkan terima kasih sekali lagi kat Kak Huda for the friendship award. Ya lah, at first mcm terkejut jugak kan dapat award sedemikian rupa..since kitorang baru je kenal through the net...sharing stories, thoughts...experiences, hobbies kan sis..? ;) Although kitorang tak pernah jumpa lagi...and just like what she said...she's my sister and my "sahabiah" too :)
Next , I'll pass this friendship award ni to my other best friends...and the list are:
2) Kak Zuril (Best Sister)
3) Sis Nurul (Best Adik)
4) Jamie (Best Buddy)
5) Safra (Best Buddy)
6) Yan (Best Buddy)
7) Abg Cord & Family (Best Seniors)
8) Aben (Best Buddy)
9) Kak Aina (Best Buddy)
ps: lepas ni korang plak pas award ni kat kawan-kawan lain. Just copy & paste 2-2 gamba tu ;)
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